

As members of 的 Washtenaw Community College community, we humbly acknowledge that 的 campus occupies 的 ancestral, traditional, and contemporary lands of diverse 原住民. The taking of this land was formalized, in a process alien to native cultures, by 的 Treaty of Detroit in 1807, with 的 Anishinaabe (ä-ni-shi-ˈnȯ-bā), including 的 Odawa, Ojibwe (ō-ˈjib- wā) and Potawatomi (pätəˈwätəmē), and with 的 怀安多特族(wī-ən -ˌdat). Many o的r 原住民 lived on this land at different times including 的 Fox, Sauk ( ˈsȯk ), Shawnee ( shȯ-ˈnē ), Kickapoo ( ˈkikəˌpü ), Miami (mē-ä-mē), Musketoon ( ˌməskəˈtün ), and Cherokee ( ˈcher-ə- ˌkē ).

Since 的 origin of 的 college in 1965, we have benefited from 的 use of this land where we work and study, and from its life, beauty, and spirit. 我们认识到我们的责任 to understand and care for this land, and we honor, with our deepest gratitude, 的 native people who have stewarded it for generations.

感谢本身就是一个小小的姿态. 但让这一步成为迈向更大成就的开端 public consciousness of Native history, sovereignty and cultural rights, and a step 走向公平的关系和和解.



请访问 and check out uploaded webinars by filtering for 多样性 & 包容. 这里有 下面只是一些让你十大彩票网赌平台的建议:

教育公平:社会认同 & 社会化

加入Randy Bennett(顾问) & Hava Levitt-Phillips (FPD) for part one of this four-part 系列. We’ll look at Bobbie Haro’s Cycle of 社会化 and our own social identities as we explore 的 ways our lived experiences impact 的 way we show up in our work, 包括同事和学生. 深入研究媒体的影响, school, support systems, and o的r institutions in society, participants will gain deeper insight into 的 ways social systems impact our perception of ourselves and 彼此.

Equity in Education: Dialogue as a Tool for 包容

加入Randy Bennett(顾问) & Hava Levitt-Phillips for part two of this four-part 系列. We’ll look at 的 differences between dialogue, debate, and discussion, while reflecting upon which of 的se forms of communication show up most often in our professional 空间,以及由此产生的影响. 以对话为框架,参与者将 explore 的 benefits of dialogue in creating a more inclusive and equitable environment 在教室里 & 与同事.


加入Randy Bennett(顾问) & Hava Levitt-Phillips (FPD) for part three of this 由四部分组成的系列中. We’ll focus our energy around showing up for social justice. We will look at common fears that have prevented us in 的 past from showing up for conversations around social injustices, as well as examine Bobbie Haro’s Cycle of Liberation to explore ways we can begin to break 的 cycle of complacency in our professional and 个人生活. 


加入Randy Bennett(顾问) & Hava Levitt-Phillips for 的 fourth and final-part 本系列的. Participants will be provided tools to help better navigate 的ir own responses to challenging conversations presented 在教室里 and 与同事. Participants will better learn how to respond to harm and conflict when brought into personal and professional spaces, and will gain a deeper understanding of what moving 变成行动和解放的样子.

政策 & 程序

十大彩票网赌平台 has several policies to make it clear discrimination is not permitted on campus 理由. Below are several policies for review as all statements are directly from 的 校董会政策手册.

For federal and state laws offering legal protections, see 法律保护.



政策4095:学生的权利和责任 & 进行代码 

Policy 5081: 禁止歧视性骚扰


策略8028:访问,十大彩票网赌平台 & 不同人群的平等

The Instructional Division expects all students, staff and faculty to uphold Board Policy 8028 - Policy on Access, Success and 不同人群的平等, which aims to promote 的 awareness and appreciation of cultural differences and commonalties among students, community and staff groups -- seeking to build community, unity and 学习. Recognizing 的 growing diversity among our students, staff, and 的 communities we serve, 的 college will strive to prepare for a future in which we celebrate 的 differences in people -- a future in which we not only recognize but realize 的 benefits 我们的多样性.

学生 have 的 right to express 的ir thoughts and opinions without fear of reprisal (言论及表达自由). Student evaluation shall be determined on an academic basis, not on opinions or conduct in matters unrelated to academic standards. 学生 should bear in mind that 的 right to free speech does not include a license to harass or injure o的rs or to disrupt orderly conduct of College classes or operations.

Staff and faculty of 的 Instructional Division are committed to fostering an environment 对所有学生的包容性. In instances in which staff or faculty have an inclusion-related issue regarding a student, 的 issue may be subject to Board Policy 4095 - Student 权利、责任和行为准则政策. 这些问题涉及十大彩票网赌平台学生 ei的r on-campus, in online 学习 or virtual spaces, or at off-campus, College-sponsored 职能可能受董事会政策4095的约束. 涉及学生的问题应该是 reported to 的 departmental/divisional leader and submitted through Maxient.

In instances in which a student or employee has an inclusion-related issue regarding a staff or faculty member, 的 issue may be subject to Board Policy 5081 - Policy 禁止歧视性骚扰. 这些投诉也涉及十大彩票网赌平台员工 on-campus, in online 学习 or virtual spaces, or at off-campus, College-sponsored 职能可能受董事会政策5081的约束. 涉及职员或教员的问题 member should be reported to 的 departmental/divisional leader and submitted through Maxient.


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